List of the rules and requirements by law

General rules by law

  • The goal of the program is cultural exchange. The tasks performed by the au pair is not the goal itself.
  • The host family consists of at least 2 people who are registered at the address of the host family. This has to be proven with the ‘BRP extract’
  • The au pair will live with the host family and it is not permitted to live or perform tasks elsewhere
  • The au pair must register at the address of the host family within 5 days of arrival in the Netherlands. We gladly guide the au pair to do so.
  • The maximum duration that your au pair stays is 1 year.
  • The au pair needs a ‘basic health insurance’ in the Netherlands. We are happy to arrange this for your au pair.
  • The au pair must undergo a TB test within 3 months of arrival in the Netherlands. We gladly guide the au for this.

Rules by law about the tasks that your au pair will perform

  • A daily schedule should be drawn up about the activities that your au pair will carry out and on which days / times this will be. The daily schedule must be signed by both the host family and Complete Au Pair at the location of the Philippine Embassy or a notary in your neighborhood. We will arrange this for you.
  • Up to 30 hours per week, 5 days per week, 8 hours per day of tasks.
  • Only light tasks such as taking care of children, light household tasks.
  • The au pair does not perform tasks for people who require special care, which tasks require specific skills.
  • There should always be someone available as an alternative to replace the au pair, the name of this person will be stated in the daily schedule.
  • The au pair does not have to stay at home if she is not performing any tasks.
  • The au pair is not allowed to work when she is on vacation (even if she is on holiday with the host family)
  • If your au pair arrives in the Netherlands, she may only perform work if she has collected her residence document. We are happy to accompany your au pair to collect this a.s.a.p.

Mandatory rules from Complete Au Pair

  • The au pair is given a separate room including window, bed, electricity. Internet must be present in the house (preferably in the au pair’s room)
  • The au pair must have a telephone with Android or an I-phone
  • The au pair becomes an equal family member and participates in family trips and parties

Financial information and statutory income requirements

The income must be at least € 3.457 per month for married couples or registered partners. Single parents € 2.766. These amounts apply as of 01-07-2024, include holiday allowance and are the gross ‘SV-loon’ on which taxes and social security contributions are paid. (Different types of income may be added together). There are various rules for income and means of proof, see bottom of this page.

In case of problems, complaints, questions or if the rules are not followed

• The host family and the au pair are obliged to inform Complete Au Pair immediately (within 24 hours) if an irregularity occurs, for example if the daily schedule changes or is not followed, if there are problems or if the au pair leaves the host family. This obligation is part of the conditions of Complete Au Pair.
• If the host family no longer meets the conditions, this must be reported immediately to Complete Au Pair, for example: the required income is no longer available or the host family no longer consists of 2 persons. This obligation is part of the conditions of Complete Au Pair.
• Complete Au Pair is legally obliged to notify the IND about irregularities, problems or changes in the program / day schedule.
• The host family or au pair can both contact Complete Au Pair, before, during and after the program. This can be about questions, suggestions or complaints about each other or about CompleteAu Pair. In compliance with with the duty of care, Complete Au Pair will take action on this, such as resolving and responding to problems.
• Does the au pair agency or cultural exchange organization not comply with the rules set by the IND? Then inform the IND. In that case, the IND will investigate whether measures must be taken. Do you have complaints about the host family? First try to solve the problems in mutual consultation. If that does not work, contact your au-pair agency. In serious cases, for example in case of abuse or exploitation, you can also contact the police directly or call the special hotline for au pairs (06-1082 3594)
• It is very important that the rules are followed. We are obliged to investigate this in accordance with duty of care and to inform the IND if the rules are not followed. In the event of a substantial or repeated violation, we are obliged to remove the au pair from the host family.
• In the context of supervising compliance with the Aliens Act and the Aliens Employment Act (Wav), the Aliens Police, the SZW Inspectorate or the IND, the au pair and / or the host family can visit the home either with a specific reason or randomly invite for a conversation. If the host family has the au pair carry out work that does not meet the conditions laid down by law and regulations, the host family is in violation and result into a fine.


In the case of self-match, in which you found the au pair yourself, you should also pay attention to the following legal rules and obligations (of course we will also check this for you, but we advise you to check this up front to avoid disappointments. )

• The au pair has a valid passport
• The au pair is not a threat to society or national security (an antecedents certificate must be completed to certify that it has not committed any crime)
• The au pair did not transmit incorrect data and did not withhold any important information from previous applications
• The au pair has not been illegal in the Netherlands before
• The au pair has not previously had a Dutch residence permit as an au pair or for cultural exchange
• The au pair has not previously worked for the host family or performed duties for the host family
• The au pair must be older than 18 and younger than 26 years at the time of application (new rule per October 1, 2022)
• The au pair may not be married, to be proven by a CENOMAR including Apostille (both CENOMAR and Apostille max 3 months old at the moment of submitting the application) (new rule per October 1, 2022)
• The au pair may not have any children – to be proven by a declaration the au pair signs herself (new rule per October 1, 2022)
• The au pair may not pay more than € 34 to a (Dutch or foreign) mediation agency or the host family in preparation for the arrival to the Netherlands. It is not allowed for the au pair to pay a deposit or sign a contract whereby they can get a fine if they do not follow the contract. Of course we do not ask for a contribution to your au pair and we do not work with fines / deposits.
• The au pair can not be a family of one of the members of the host family until the third degree

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Income requirements including proof

Income from paid employment (including ‘DGA’s: Director-major shareholders of a B.V.)

  • Only gross amounts entitled to by written contract (which are subject to tax and social security premiums)
  • Income is available for at least one full year during the moment of application and decision of the IND
  • Welfare (bijstand) doesn’t count.
  • A still applying trial period may result into a negative decision.
  • Irregular income and payment in-kind (in natura) will be counted if before the application to or decision of the IND has been paid out for at least 11 out of 12 months. The lowest monthly amount will be counted (x 12 to calculate the yearly amount).

Proof possibility 1

  • a copy of the employment contract;
  • a recent employer’s statement (not older than 3 months, dated, signed including business stamp of employer), using the model provided by Complete Au Pair
  • copies of the payroll slips for the last three months of the application (unless the employment as per employment contract started less than 3 months ago)

Proof possibility 2 (based on the past)
Income will be examined for the last 3 years prior to application, per individual year (no averaging).

  • copies of employment or temporary work contract (uitzendovereenkomsten) of the last 3 years prior to the application;
  • copies of the yearly statement (jaaropgave) of the last 3 years prior to the application;
  • (only when applied) letters of given allowances including specifications of the last 3 years prior to the application;

Income from working as self-employed (Income-tax entrepreneur, not including ‘DGA’s)

  • Income will be examined for the last 3 years prior to application, per individual year (no averaging).
  • Application will be denied in case of bankruptcy or suspension of payments


  • A recent extract of registration of the business in the Chamber of Commerce (unless registration is not possible);
  • A statement of income self-employed (Verklaring inkomen zelfstandig ondernemer), using the model provided by Complete Au Pair, fully filled by a:
  • – a charted accountant, an accounting consultant, a ‘Federatie’ tax advisor, a ‘College’ tax advisor, or a administrator with a becon-number of the Tax Authorities
  • – signed by both administrator and the self-employed;
  • – including accompanying attachments (provisional or definitive  tax assessment (IB-aanslag))

Additional proof may be asked:

  • Bank statements
  • Income tax statements
  • Yearly financial statements
  • Monthly statements of the business profits during the 1,5 years prior to submitting the application

Income from own capital

  • Capital needs to have been available for 1 year prior to application and still be available during application to and decision of the IND
  • The income from capital is sufficient if the taxed capital as filed to the Tax authorities of the last taxed year prior to the application, converted to a monthly amount is at least the required amount of income. (in 2022 the capital needs to be around € 850.000 for a couple or € 680.000 for a single parent)


  • The most recent definitive tax assessment (aanslag inkomstenbelasting) provided by the Tax authorities
  • The most recent provisional tax assessment (aanslag inkomstenbelasting) provided by the Tax authorities
  • The most recent income tax declaration to the Tax authorities
  • Documents/papers which show the capital at the time of application

Other sources of income

Income from other sources of income will be counted if the mandatory tax and premiums have been paid for.


  • Documents/papers showing proof of the other sources of income
  • Documents/papers showing proof of the tax and premiums paid for the other sources of income

Extract (uittreksel) ‘BRP’ (please note, the ‘standard extract is usually not sufficient!)

An extract from the BRP is required, which shows that all family members are registered at the relevant address. It is important that all family members are visible on this extract, clearly indicating that all those family members live (or are registered) at that address (not only that the registered children has or is married, but that the children and partner also actually live at the address), preferably on one extract (multiple extracts, for example 1 per family member is possible, in that case for each family member an extract is needed). At most municipalities you can not order this specific extract via the internet, but you have to visit in person.

A copy of your ID (and a partner, if you have one)

In order to be able to submit the forms for your application in full, we need your personal details. These are shown by your ID-proof (no driving license), of which we would like to receive a copy. If you do not have a Dutch passport, we would also like to receive a copy of your residence document (front and back).

A letter of intrucing your host family to the au pair (only required if we take care of the matching with your au pair)

We’d like to receive a letter in PDF format, in which you introduce yourself to au pairs, with who may form a good match with you. If you do not have a Dutch passport, please send a copy of your valid residence permit, front and backside.

Signed proposal of our services (voorstel tot dienstverlening)

After we have visited your house and we have enquired your wishes and details, we will send you the ‘voorstel tot dienstverlening’. It is required to sign this document before can start the matching or application procedure.